Can you edit the Bitcoin original code to create addresses that people have already used?

In Bitcoin addresses, one of the most urgent concerns is to create unique addresses for each event. One of the usual approaches is the use of a technology called “spraying addresses” or “creating random address”. This method includes the use of safety technologies of pseudorandom (CSPRNA) encryption technology to create new random addresses whenever new is needed.

Current Implementation Bitcoin

In Bitcoin, the original code of the Bitcoin-QT.exe 'program used to use the Bitcoin customer in Windows produces new random addresses each time he begins. This is achieved using a CSPRNG to the value of the seed and the creation of a unique address line based on it.

Editing of the original code

Now let's see if you can edit the Bitcoin source to make people already use. Although technically possible, there are several reasons why it is unlikely to be an effective solution:

  • Cryptographic security : The goal is to use CSPRNG to create an address is to create a truly random and unpredictable address. If someone changed the original code, it could use the system vulnerability or introduce a rear door to create access to existing users.

  • Hash PMS : Even with CSPRNG, a stumbling block (or collision) can occur when two different revenues generate the same departure. This means that if someone edits the original code and translates a new version of the "Bitcoin -Qt.exe" app, you could use the address the other user has already used.

  • History hash -a : Bitcoin uses the "History Hash" table that follows all blockchain addresses. If you would edit the original code to create new addresses, someone with information about this Hash history could predict and avoid using these addresses.

Why new addresses are still needed

Ethereum: Can I modify the source code of Bitcoin to generate addresses people have already used?

Although the editing of the original code may seem with a feasible solution, it is not practical or safe for many reasons:

  • Safety : As mentioned earlier, the use of the vulnerability of the system or implementation of the rear door is still risk.

  • Hash Humps : Even if you can predict new addresses, hash fights will continue to take place, allowing someone to use the address already used by another user.

  • Network safety : If multiple knots online has different addresses, endangering one node trust can lead to denying the service or even a complete blockchain.


In short, changing the Bitcoin source to create addresses they have already used is not a feasible or safe solution. Risks of encryption and hash nonsense prevents the acceptance of this approach. Instead, the best practice for management Bitcoin addresses is to use a single form address that ensures coincidence and unpredictability, such as Bitcoin-QT.exeGenerated Bitcoin address (M/0/0/C).

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