I can help you with this article. However, please note that I will provide a general solution and I will not have to cover all marginal cases or specific cases of use of the Metamask library.
Error: “Non valid sender” when you record in Bsctestnet – Web3
The “non -valid sender” error usually occurs when the “SignraNsation” method is called a valid sender. In the context of Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Testnet could be this error caused by various reasons:
- Wrong sender : Method
An Ethereum address valid as his sender is expected. However, if you are trying to send funds from the private key to a portfolio outside the BSC Testnet, it may not work.
- Missing Web3 provider: Metamask requires that the web3 provider works correctly. Make sure you have installed and configured the correct web3 provider for your environment.
proposed solution
Here is a gradual solution:
- Check the ABI
Make sure the ABI contract is adequately balanced by the “contract” building in Metamask.
Const C = contract;
Cont RewardscalculatelTx = C.Methods.rewardscalculatel (). call ();
- Check the sender address
: double control of the Ethereum address that you are trying to send funds to:
Const Privatekey = “0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”;
// Replace with your real private key
Const Sendradrress = Privateky.tohex (); // convert into hexadecimal
If (Sendradddress! == rewardscalculaculatoTx.sender) {
Console.error (`non -valid sender: $ {Senddress}! = $ {Rewardscalculattx.sender}
- ** Make sure the web3 provider is installed:
Make sure that Metamask has joined the correct web3 provider for your environment. You can check it when watching the "Connect" section in the Metamask settings.
- Test with a valid sender :
Try to sign a transaction using a valid Ethereum address, such as0xyurvalidaDDress0xyurinvaldress’.
Here is an example of how you can change your code to solve the following problems:
Const C = contract;
Cont RewardscalculatelTx = C.Methods.rewardscalculatel (). call ();
IF (rewardscalculaculatx.sender! == Privatekey.tohex ()) {
Console.error (`non -valid sender: $ {rewardscalculaculatoTx.sender}! = $ {Privatekey.thex ()}
// Check the ABI contract and the sender
Const Abi = C.Abi;
Console.log (ABI: $ {Json.strincify (ABI)
// Get the address of the contract from ABI
Const ContrattattAddress = ABI [0]. Constant;
Attempt {
// signature transaction using the contract address and the private key
Cont signadtx = rewardscalculatttx.sign (PrivateKey);
Console.log (signed transaction: $ {signadtx
} Catch (error) {
Console.error (`erroring firming transaction: $ {error.message
I hope this helps you to solve the “non -valid sender” error using Metamask to sign a BSC Testnet transaction. If you have further questions or problems, don’t hesitate to ask!