Creation of ezaret transactions from blockchchain using Java and Pipi **
Ethereum blockchain is a decentralized, public and secured platform for storing and transmission of transactions. One of your key features is the ability to create and broadcast offline transactions using FRAM PusPTX API, fine mobile applications or web clinics. In this art, we will examine how to create an offline transaction in Javat, which can broadcast to the Ethereum blockchain using the POSTX API.
* background
The API PHTX will develop to send transactions to the Etherereum note note with the transaction verification to be verified by peer (i.e., another node). This allows you to create and broadcast external applications offline. If you want to use the Pushtx API interface, you must obsess the address of the Eereum wallet that is already using your wallet.
Choosing Bitcoatj and Pishtx
There is a popular library for blockchain ethereum in Java: Bitcoinj and Pushtx. It’s comparing the bride:
* Bitcoinj: Ful-reaturative cryptocurrency cracks of you to interact with the variety of etherreum blockchain sing (eg JSON-RPC, HTTP). Howver, it’s a wallet address and is not specified for offline transactions.
* PUSHTX: Library developed by Infusion, cloud provision for interaction with the network Eteretum. Pushtx provides a simple API for creating and sent transactions to nodes in the Ethereum network.
We will use Pishtx for this test.
Create an offline transaction in Java *
EXCLUDE transaction using Pushtx, you must:
- Create an instance of “PusX”:
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Example of Public Offlinetratization {
Public Static Void is animated (String [] ARGS) {
// ser your eTherum URL (eg "https: //infortunate.inflow.o/v3/your_prt_id")
String nodeurl = "htps: //mainet.a/v3/your_project_id";
// Create an instance of the Pushtx class
Pushtx Pustx is = new Pushtx (Ishtx (Inurl);
- Set Woeadressing “to Ethereum’s wallet for smoking Ethereum’s wallet is a wallet:
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String Walladress = "0xyour_lt_let_adds.
- Create an instance of “Pushtransasa”:
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// Create a new Pushtransaction object
PURRANSACTION transaction = PusX.
Bud String] {"0x1234567890000009000ABCDEF,": beautiful data transaction "})
Signing offline transaction
Frely transaction offline, you must use for use Samusage method.
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// sign a transaction using your private key
String Signransasion = Pustx.SigntraSaction (transaction, New String [] {"aur_privatprivay"});
Broadcasting offline transaction
Once you have created and signed an offline transaction, you can send it to the Ethereum network to the Pushtx API. Is the test she will do to do it:
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// Create an instance of the Postx class with the URL node laugh and the address of the wallet
Pushtx Pustx is = new Pushtx (ISTX (Inurl);
// Set the signed transaction using a useful transmission of broadcasting
String Payload = SignedTransaction;
// send the transaction Use API Pushtx
Pustx.broadcast (Ypathload, New String [] {"0x12345678900098900ACDEF", "Myour Transaction Data"}});
He said anger is a test that Titt uses a lawyer:
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publication OfflinetratsaCmple {
Public Static Void is animated (String [] ARGS) {
// Set your address URLs Ethereum (eg.