Verifying eth_cal Results with Cryptographic Proofs for L1s and L2s

As the adoption of decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum network continues to grow, the reliability and integrity of com increasingly important. Currently, the returned data thees can be provided it, it is node or service.

In this article, we will explore Howofgraphic proofs can be used to verify the issues ofs of the_cal requists on Layer 2 (L2) networks.

Understanding Ethereum’s L1 and L2 Networks*

Before diving in the world of cryptography, it’s essential to understand therstand

Layer 1 (L1): This refers to the underlying blockchain, it is responsible for execting smarting. The L1 network is decentralized, meaning there no intermedies, and all transactions are recorded on an a publicly caller.

  • Layer 2 (L2): That layer acts as an intermedia between the L1 network and the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It enables faster transaction procesing times, record fees, and impromability. The L2 network is also decentralized.

The Problem with Unverified Data

When using eth_cal requists to access smart contractions on the L1 network, there ares more than the potential issues that can arise:

Data Tampering*: A malicous actor of the potentially tamper wth the returned information an eth_cal requisst.

  • Lack of Authentication


Using Cryptographic Proofs for Verification

Ethereum: Verifying eth_call Results with Cryptographic Proofs for L1s and L2s

Toaddress theese issues, cryptographic proofs can can be used to the results of the results of the_cal requers on the L1 and L2 networks. Gere are some ways yous can implement this:

L1 Network

Using Web3.js with JSON-LD and GraphQL

Web3.js is apular JavaScript library that enables interact with the Ethereum blockchain. By using JSON-LD (JavaScript Objection for Linked Data) and GraphQL, you can a decentralized application (dApp) css smart contracts.


// Import required librarys

const Web3 = require('web3');

const jsonld = require('json-ld');

// Set up your Ethereum node or service

Const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('

// Define a function to execute an eth_cal request With JSON-LD and GraphQL

async function executeEthCall(request) {

// Create a GraphQL query use the json-ld library

const schema = new GraphQLSchema({



type: 'Query',

args: {

contraactAddress: { type: 'String' },

contraactFunctionName: { type: 'String' }


resolve: async (pararent, args) => {

// Execuute the_cal request

const insult = await{

to: args.contractAddress,

data: args.contractFunctionName,



return JSON.parse(result);





// Use GraphQL'sexecuteQuerymethod to execute the query

const response = await schema.exequeQuery({

query: {


query {

contraactAddress: ${args.contractAddress}}

contraactFunctionName: ${args.contract FunctionName}



variables: args



return JSON.parse(;


// Example Usage:

Const requist = { contraactAddress: ‘0xYOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS’, contraactFunctionName: ‘myContractionFunction’ };

execteEthCall(request).then((result) => console.

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