Metamk account change detection and blocks with react
As a React developper, it is likely to be be friendly, with the importance of staying updated updated it the a-the-balances’ hallet. In this article, we will explore How to detect wen aer’s Metamask account hans.
** THE PROBLEM: Window.etherum.on ('Accountschanged', Function (Accounts) {...});
His approach use the event 'Accountschangeed is a rud start, but the requires soome of theaditional steps to achieve what. Gere is an updated example that handyd help:
import react of 'react';
Metamaskdetector Function () {
Const accunts = useetamaskacounts ();
Useeffect (() => {
return async () => {
Const accunts = Waiting gotaccountlist ();
Setaccals (accounts);
// Verify the hanges in the list accounts and update the screen accordy
CheckForchessynacounts (accounts);
}, []);
const accounts = ['ACCOUN1', 'ACCOUNT2', 'ACCOUNT3'];
return accounts;
const Newcounts = [];
Const Oldcounts = [... accounts];
accounts.Foreach ((Newcount, Index) => {
If (Oldcounts [Index]! == Newcount) {=
Console.log (counts $ {newacount} chaanged or blocked!);
// You can also update the screen to indicate that change
// For example, show a red fill effect in the previous account
alert (counts $ {newcount} has been chaanged or blocked. Verify the state ‘);
usemetamaskacount ();
return (
{ => (
{CheckForchessinacunts (Accounts)}
What has been changed?
- We have added a hoookUseefefect
todate the 'accounts' status every time a-recounts.
- We define two functions:Getaccountlist
, it is returns an initiated matrix of records (inthis example, it is coded) and
- In
, we are going throwgh the updated accounts lists. If a new account is found that is different from the previous one, we register a message and the screen accorting.
Important notes:
- This example iss the hoook ‘usemetamaskacunts
, it's we will discuss below.
- For demonstration purposes, it is returns a matrix of coded accounts.
- You may consister thee the more robust approach, souch as Metamas API or implement a personize anages the changes accordingly.
Following this updated example, it's, it sign has been Changed or hasers to be accounts of the usrs have a hang been blocked. Remember to replace theACCOUN1,
ACCOUNT3` matrix s.