Examine the content of a wallet file. Use of SQLite3
When it comes to storing and administer private keys in a blockchain network like Ethereum, wallets usually use a file ‘.datcalled
Wallet.dat. This file is used to store data on the state of the wallet, including its public key and private keys. In this article, we will explore how to examine the content of a
Walletfile using SQLite3.
What is in a Billet.dat file?
As Andrew Chow said in 2017, when the database was still BDB (Berkeley DB) but not SQLite, theWallet. However, in 2020, Ethereum changed to use SQLite3 as its default database, which provides a safer and more efficient way to store wallet data.
Examine the content of a wallet file. Use of SQLite3
To examine the content of a wallet.dat
file using SQLite3, you can follow these steps:
- Connect to the database : First, connect to your SQLite3 database executing the following consultation:
- Load the wallet data : Load the data of thewallet
file in a variable or table using the following query:
Select * from the wallet;
This will show all columns and rows in the 'Wallet' table, which is where you can find your private keys, public keys and other confidential information.
- Access to specific data : If you need access to specific data within the 'Wallet.
* Recovering a single value : Use the following consultation:
Select * from the wallet where id = 123; - Replace with your desired identification
This will recover the specific row or column of the 'wallet' table based on the given identification.
* Access to multiple values
: To access multiple values, use the operatorin(SQLITE3 does not admit it directly. Instead, you can use the clause
Join) ::
Select * from the wallet where ID in (123, 456);
This will recover all the ranks where the ID column coincides with any of the specified IDs.
- Errors management : Remember to always handle errors correctly when working with SQLite3, since it is a non -transactional database that may fail if an error occurs when executing a query.
Examine the content of aballet. Following these steps, you can unlock the secrets of your Ethereum wallet and obtain control over your private keys. Remember to always use caution when handling confidential information and make sure your database is properly insured to protect against possible threats.
Example use case
Suppose you have a wallet.dat
file with the following contents:
ID | Secret_Key
---- | -------------
1234 | my_secret_Key
4567 | another_secret_Key
You can use SQLITE3 to load and access this data like this:
- Load wallet data in a table
Select * from the wallet;
- Access specific data (recovering the single row with ID 1234)
Select * from the wallet where id = 1234;
- Access multiple values (recover all rows where identification coincides 1234 or 4567)
Select * from the wallet where ID in (1234, 4567);