Here is the Thri -helpful Status, Vic’s concentration of the bag indicator in Ethereum Block Chain:
Statiya 1: Transparent and Short Object
Blockchain Ethereum: Ponimanion bags
Cryptocurrency Spray Bloc is a Clitch on Continer press, which takes several operations. But did you think about how this operation joined? In this state, we will be immersed in the concept of a bag and what it means for Blockchain Ethereum.
The bag indicator as well as the fact that the Zagolovok Bloc is the most important component of the blockchain. It serves the shaking blocks and we will allow us to prepare from one block to the second. But you, when you thought, how did you, how was this operation connected? The answer was made in the bag.
Statiya 2: Using a simple tongue
How was Ethereum K+1 indicated?
Introduce a large library with many books (transactions). Each book contains address (unique identification) and some data. Now imagine that these books are covered with a reference called a bag. Having a Blockchain edge point, it has always tied several blocks.
The bag indicator is two blocks between two blocks. But what does it show to the block, have an entrance? We dispel this more suburban concept.
Statiya 3: Application with analogy
According to the indicator indicator “Ethereum”: a bridge between blocks
Breathe about the Ethereum block circuit as a gossip. Each train (block) is connected by the trail (bag show). The train seems to be needed at a concrete steaming train station, requiring blockchain blockers to fix them.
The Hasha Point “Entry” in the block K+1 indicates that each block of K block was checked and added in the heat. Second words are a farewell if you have the right tickets (entrances) against Poda on another train.
I hope this one will help clean up Veche! Please let me know if you want to do this that I have changed or have a modest question.